Advanced Cleanroom Solutions
Lasting Solutions
Qualified Staff
National and International Regulations such as GMP, NOM, ISO, FDA, WHO, and ISPE.
Job Site Management, Procurement, Planning, IQ
Our team of experts is responsible for managing and supervising every stage of the project, ensuring efficient and high-quality execution.
Optimized Design, Energy Consumption Efficiency, Risk Analysis, DQ
Start-up and Commissioning, Qualification, OQ
We oversee and ensure that all systems and equipment are correctly installed, tested, and validated according to applicable standards and regulations.
Equipment and Accessories Manufacturing
Full After-sales Services
High Performing Systems require frequent monitoring to stay Efficient. Eolis provides a full post-sales support including Spares, Maintenance, High-Tech Filters, Re-qualification and Re-balancing, On-line Monitoring Services and more.